The Rainbow Bridge
There is a place in the sky called the Rainbow Bridge.
If an animal that you love a lot passes away,
then that animal goes to the Rainbow Bridge.
There are vast meadows and hills for our dear friends,
so they can run and play with each other.
There is enough food, water and sunshine.
Our friends feel warm and pleasant there.
All old and sick animals become young and better again.
All animals that were injured or mutilated become strong and healthy,
exactly as we remember them in our dreams.
The animals are happy and satisfied, but there is a small thing:
They are sorry that they had to leave their owner or boss behind.
They run and play with each other,
but then the day comes when one suddenly stops playing and looks into the distance.
His eyes begin to shine, he begins to shake with excitement.
Suddenly he leaves the group, runs over the green grass, faster and faster.
He has seen you and when you and your darling finally meet,
you hold each other firmly, with this joyful reunion.
Never to separate again.
The cheerful kisses overwhelm your face,
your hands stroking their loving head
and you look back in those faithful eyes that you have not seen for so long,
but they have always stayed in your heart.
And then you go together over the Rainbow Bridge …